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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
09/16/18 Joab and an Observation about Leaders Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM joab_with_applications.pptx Joab_and_an_Observation_About_Leaders_Jeff_Smelser_pm_091618.mp4
09/09/18 What is Man? Dale Smelser N/A Sun AM What_is_Man_Dale_Smelser_am_090918.mp4
09/09/18 Instrumental Music Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM Instrumental_Musuc_Review_Jeff_Smelser_pm_090918.mp4 instrumental_music_review.pptx
09/02/18 The Great Physician Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM the_great_physician.pptx The_Great_Physician_Jeff_Smelser_am_090218.mp4
09/02/18 Everything Begins and Ends with God Dale Smelser N/A Sun PM Everything_Begins_and_Ends_with_God_Dale_Smelser_pm_090218_Audacity.mp4
08/26/18 Thwe Word of the Cross at Corinth Dale Smelser N/A Sun AM The_Word_of_the_Cross_at_Corinth_Dale_Smelser_am_082618.mp4
08/19/18 Why the First Day of the Week Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Why_the_First_Day_of_the_Week.pptx Why_the_First_Day_of_the_Week_Jeff_Smelser_am_081918.mp4
08/19/18 Day of Pentecost Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM day_of_pentecost.pptx Day_of_Pentecost_Jeff_Smelser_pm_081918.mp4
08/12/18 The Inevitable Death of Christ Dale Smelser N/A Sun AM InevitableDeath.ppt
08/12/18 The Good Doctrine Dale Smelser N/A Sun PM The_Good_Doctrine_Dale_Smelser_pm_081218.mp4
08/05/18 The Perfect Man - Christ Jon Focht N/A Sun AM Virtuous_Man_-_Christ.ppt The_Perfect_Man_-_Christ_Jon_Focht_am_080518.mp4
08/05/18 The Virtuous Woman (Prov. 31 and 1 Sam. 25) Jon Focht N/A Sun PM The_Virtuous_Woman_Prov_31-_1_Sam_25_Jon_Focht_pm_080518.mp4 The_Virtuous_Woman_Pro._31_-_1_Sam._25.ppt
07/29/18 Cultural Taint Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Cultural_Taint_Jeff_Smelser_am_072918-1532913707.mp4 cultural_taint-1532913710.pptx
07/15/18 Who Influenced Me? Dale Smelser N/A Sun AM Who_Influenced_Me_Dale_Smelser_am_071518.mp4
07/15/18 The Worst Sin Dale Smelser N/A Sun PM The_Worst_Sin_Dale_Smelser_pm_071518.mp4
07/08/18 David and Christ Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM David_and_Christ_Jeff_Smelser_am_070818.mp4 David_and_Christ_bilingual.pptx
07/08/18 1 Peter Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM 1_Peter.pptx 1_Peter_Jeff_Smelser_pm_070818.mp4
07/01/18 The Lord's Supper as Communion Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM The_Lords_Supper_as_Commuinon_Jeff_Smelser_am_070118.mp4 The_Lords_Supper_as_Communion.pptx
07/01/18 Is it Reasonable? Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM Is_it_Reasonable.pptx Is_it_reasonable_Jeff_Smelser_pm_070118.mp4
06/24/18 The Sabbath Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM The_Sabbath_Jeff_Smelser_am_062418.mp4 sabbath.pptx
06/17/18 What Have We Done? Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM What_have_we_done-1529254774.pptx What_Have_We_Done_Jeff_Smelser_am_061718-1529254772.mp4
06/17/18 144,000 Sealed Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM The_Sealed.pptx The_Sealed_Jeff_Smelser_pm_061718.mp4
06/10/18 To Die is Gain Alexander Newman N/A Sun AM To_Die_is_Gain_Alexander_Newman_am_061018.mp4
06/10/18 The Faith Leading to Salvation Art Driedger N/A Sun PM The_Faith_Leading_to_Salvation.pptx The_Faith_Leading_to_Salvation_Art_Driedger_pm_061018.mp4
06/03/18 Gambling Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Gambling.mp4

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