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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
06/16/19 the Word of God and Matters of Judgment Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM the_word_of_God_and_matters_of_judgment.pptx The_Word_of_God_and_Matters_of_Judgement_Jeff_Smelser_pm_061619.mp4
06/09/19 Paradox of Abundance Dale Smelser N/A Sun PM Paradox_of_Abundance_Dale_Smelser_pm_060919.mp4 ParadoxAbundance.ppt
06/02/19 The Peaceable Kingdom Dale Smelser N/A Sun AM The_Peaceable_Kingdom_Dale_Smelser_am_060219.mp4
06/02/19 Ephesians 2:1-10 Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM ephesians_2_1thru10.pptx Ephesians_2_1-10_Jeff_Smelser_pm_060219.mp4
05/26/19 Abortion Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM abortion.pptx Abortion_Jeff_Smelser_am_052619.mp4
05/19/19 The Lord's Supper as Communion: A Shared Supper (Volume low for first 33 sec) Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM the_Lords_supper_as_communion_with_applications.pptx The_Lords_Supper_as_Communion_Jeff_Smelser_pm_051919.mp4
05/12/19 What is "the World"? Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM the_world.pptx
05/12/19 What is "this World"? Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM What_is_the_world_Jeff_Smelser_am_051219.mp4 the_world-1557683271.pptx
05/12/19 Ye are the Light of the World Dale Smelser N/A Sun PM Lights_of_the_World_Dale_Smelser_pm_051219.mp4 Lights_of_the_World_Dale_Smelser_pm_051219.mp4 What_is_the_world_Jeff_Smelser_am_051219-1557703674.mp4
05/05/19 Calvinism in Practice Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Calvinsim_in_Practice_Jeff_Smelser_am_050519.mp4 calvinism_in_practice.pptx
05/05/19 Sovereignty of God Dale Smelser N/A Sun PM Sovereignty_of_God_Dale_Smelser_pm_050519.mp4
04/28/19 Inspiration Dale Smelser N/A Sun AM InspirationPP.pptx Inspiration_Dale_Smelser_am_042819.mp4
04/21/19 They Preached Jesus Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM The_Eithiopian_Eunuch_Jeff_Smelser_am_042119.mp4 he_preached_Jesus.pptx
04/21/19 Christ or Barabbas Dale Smelser N/A Sun PM Christ_or_Barabbas_Dale_Smelser_pm_042119.mp4
04/07/19 The Cross of Christ Dale Smelser N/A Sun PM The_Cross_of_Christ_Dale_Smelser_pm_040719.mp4
03/31/19 Service Well Pleasing Unto God Dale Smelser N/A Sun AM Service_Well_Pleasing_Unto_God_Dale_Smelser_am_033119.mp4 ServiceWellPleasing.pptx
03/24/19 A Community of People Saved by Jesus Christ Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM How_Do_I_Come_Back_to_God_Jeff_Smelser_am_032419.mp4 How_do_I_come_back_to_God_english_only.pptx
03/17/19 Expose of the Proud Dale Smelser N/A Sun AM Expose_of_the_Proud_Dale_Smelser_am_031719.mp4
03/17/19 Why We Believe in Heaven? Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM heaven.pptx Heaven_Jeff_Smelser_pm_031719.mp4
03/10/19 Building Houses Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM building_houses.pptx Building_Houses_Jeff_Smelser_am_031019.mp4
03/03/19 Appointing Elders Dale Smelser N/A Sun AM Where_Jesus_Finds_Faith_Dale_Smelser_am_022419.mp4
03/03/19 Appointing Elders Dale Smelser N/A Sun AM Appointing_Elders_Dale_Smelser_am_030319.mp4
02/24/19 Where Jesus Finds Faith Dale Smelser N/A Sun AM Where_Jesus_Finds_Faith_Dale_Smelser_am_022419.mp4
02/17/19 Children of Abraham Jeff Smelser N/A Sun AM Children_of_Abraham_Jeff_Smelser_am_021719.mp4 children_of_Abraham.pptx
02/17/19 Further Notes on Galations - Mic off the first 30 sec. Jeff Smelser N/A Sun PM galatians_notes.pptx Further_Notes_on_Galations_Jeff_Smelser_pm_021719.mp4

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